It's not our anniversary, but it is the month of LOVE.
And so I feel compelled to tell you this LOVE story.
It's the story of when a blue eyed boy met a brown eyed girl.
Or the story of how a brown eyed girl stalked a blue eyed boy.
Either way, it's my LOVE story.
I wish that each and everyone of you had a blog where I could read your LOVE stories, because to me LOVE stories truly are "The Sweetest Things"
This Love story well it happened kinda something like this.
Well, about over 20 years ago.
I don't regret going to my friend Jen's youth group that night because not only was it a night that I would meet some treasured people that would forever be in my life, but it was the first time I laid eyes on him. (Enter the "At Last My LOVE has come along" song here)
Jen's Youth pastors at the time were a couple named Louie and Joni Locke.They were newlyweds. They were nice, but they were quickly forgotten once Moses walked through the front door.
(Can't believe I am actually going to use this reference, and I am sure my teenage daughter will never forgive me for ruining her favorite love story, but here goes nothing)
Enter Twilight scene where Bella first lays eyes on Edward as he walks through the door to the cafeteria at school. To those of you who haven't watched Twilight, I'm sorry. To those of you who have it really was pretty much something like that, only Moses wasn't a vampire and I am not named Bella. I quickly asked my friend Jen who that tall guy with Heather G was? She filled me in as best she could and then the stalking began.
I was 15 years old. He was 17. I was going to into the 10th grade he would be a Senior. CRAP I AM OLD!!
I thought he was already in college because he looked so much older, imagine my surprise when I found out I would be going to school with him the next year.
A few more details you should know about this story is that although he wasn't a murderous vampire, he wasn't a Christ follower at the time. I was trying to follow Christ's teaching a little closer than I had in my non-following Christ years, and so this posed a problem. Our lives were on different roads. He was listening to Nine Inch Nails, I was listening to Amy Grant. LOL. That is just a pretty damn funny sentence right there. And also a pretty good way of putting our past into a nut shell(Help, I'm in a nut shell!)
This is where my prophetic youth pastor enters the story. I had told no one, and I do mean no one about this high school girl crush. Although, those that were close to me I am sure had an idea or two. But, I certainly didn't tell anyone near or remotely close to my youth pastor. So there is no way he could have known what he knew. And basically, without leaving all you non-church goers in the dust here he did what the world would call a psychic reading on my ass, and it scared the crap out of me!!
So, due to my recent "Fear of THE LORD" I let all those high school girly crush dreams go and I forgot about the man-child! I did really forget about him until my Senior year in high school. Long after he had moved out of Carson City. Long after I had that amazing first impression of him. I forgot him. But then one day, there he was almost a year and half later.
This time it was no longer a crush, it was a reality. And by reality I mean he actually talked to me this time.
He came up asked me some questions and then disappeared again.
I forgot him again. (Fear of THE LORD thingy!)
Until a year later.
I looked him up.
He was looking for me.
We talked on the phone.
I invited him to church.
He came.
WE said I DO!
(For those of you new blog followers there is a very lengthy story of us under the tag monosco if you have an hour or two, JK, but really you will need at least a half and hour)
Love is all ya need. I still have the news clipping the church wrote. I love love stories. We know the greatest love story of all.
Yep, me too. I framed that one, and also the news clipping that Dad blew up when he was Homecoming King. Sometimes I have to laugh at the chances of us getting together. God sure did have a plan.
Yes, indeed the greatest love story ever told is the one I read, or should read everyday :)
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