I used to only ever read self-help/spiritual books or the bible. A while back I realized that was the same with music. I used to only listen to Christian music. Secular/Non Secular call it whatever you want, but over the years I have realized it's all the same to me. That is my 2 cents worth about that topic, take it or leave it. It's funny when Moses and I talk about music because many of the bands of the 80's and 90's I have no recollection of because of this. He will say something like, "Don't you remember that song" to which I will respond " Nope never heard it" to which he will say, "Man where were you?" and I will think in my head I was in a bubble. I am glad in many ways to have bursted that bubble. Who did the bursting I am not exactly sure but all the same it has bursted wide open.
So anyway, that was a rabbit trail thanks for following back to the topic at hand... back in the day when I was inside the bubble my favorite author and still he is one of my favorites now is/was Max Lucado. I used to work at a Christian book store and every new release of his was quickly purchased, read through, and placed on my self at home. I just love the way this man writes in pictures. Well, since outside the bubble I haven't picked up any of his new releases and or read the old ones in a long time
SO.....(the whole point of this blog is coming.... wait for it... wait for it....)
I have decided over the course of the next few weeks of Christmas Break that I am going to go on a Max Lucado Marathon. While studying the shelves of books that my hubby so masterfully assembled from Ikea I realized that I have almost everyone of this man's titles(except new titles as stated above). After realizing it has been a while since I have dug deep into one of them I thought it's about time, so I am going on a Max marathon. His books always make me cry so I will make sure I have kleenex nearby.
The titles on the road map are as follows:
Next Door Savior
Just Like Jesus
And The Angels Were Silent
I will report back in a few weeks if I survive this marathon without a bucket load of tears and hopefully a good reminder or two.
Until then please enjoy some more new pictures.
The pics are of the Space Needle in Seattle, A butterfly that Landed on Sol's hand while in the Butterfly garden at PSC, and one from Sol's birthday party in October right before moving(seems so long ago now).
When I look at all the boys in that last photo my heart aches to think of the next time we will see them all. I sure do feel a case of homesickness coming on. Good thing this city has many distractions to hold me over until the next time we all are able to meet again.