Saturday, September 08, 2012

Learning To Bite My Tongue(again)

Something that I have done since I was a teenager is to read through the book of Proverbs in the bible every month. Starting with Proverbs 1 and ending with 31, if the month goes until the 31st.
It has been a habit that I've built over the years that is convenient because anytime I get off track I just look at what the day is and go to that Proverb.
I get off track a lot. 
God must have made this book for me ;)

So recently when I stumbled back upon the group of ladies over at  She Reads Truth, and I saw that they would be going through the book of Proverbs together I thought, hey I can do that.
 I believe with all my heart that we are to read Scripture together because there are so many different ways a person can interpret the scriptures. But, when we read them together it's like looking down the barrel of one of those kaleidoscopes.

We see the words of life, come alive when we share what God speaks to each of us through his words, and I LOVE IT!
It has been so fun to read what the ladies over at She Reads Truth have had to say about these beloved truths, because it makes me feel not so alone.

For me personally this journey through Proverbs recently has really convicted me to bite my tongue til it bleeds if necessary.
Scriptures like;

"He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from troubles." Prov 21:23

"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the mind and healing to the body."
 Prov 16:24
"From the fruit of his words a man shall be satisfied with good, and the work of a man's hands shall come back to him." Prov 12:14

These and many more stood out to me because recently I have been made aware of how loose my tongue had become. Now, I know and have known for years how important the words of our mouth are and that once something is spoken however wretched it might be, it can never be taken back. It can be forgiven, but never taken back.
I'm working on it. 
And I will continue to work on 'IT'(my big mouth) until the day I die.
In the mean time, I'm thankful for God's truth that encourages, and convicts. 
And I'm thankful for She Reads Truth and what a wonderful work that is going on over there. I'm happy to be a part of it.

Happy Weekend Everyone.


Barefoot Hippie Girl said...

You have to bite your tongue? NO...=)
I am always struck by how much Proverbs has to say about the mouth and words.
I read Proverbs with the kids every day too. Such wisdom!

Unknown said...

You are a great encourager! I think that God has blessed you with that gift! Great post. Thanks

Kimberly said...

I love the new look. :)
P.S. This is one of the hardest things for me. Keeping my mouth shut.

No(dot dot)el said...

@Bernadette- Yes, BIG TIME, ALL THE TIME!! It will forever be an issue for me, I'm convinced. That's so great that you read it to the kiddos.
@Hannah- Thank you so much. I come from a long line of encouragers so I guess the gene got passed on. But, can I just say, thank you for saying so because that is my goal on here every day.
@Kimberly- Why thank you darling. I can't take credit for it Alyx over at Every Day A New Adventure gets all the props. AND yes mouth shut, ears open... my new motto!

Anna said...

I've been following along with this study as well. It's amazing what God can reveal to us if we just take the time to read and listen to Him.

Keep pressing forward, like the previous comments have stated you have a gift for encouraging others. God will/and is definitely using you. :)

Kelly said...

I've been doing this study too and i have ot say i've had the same conviction. It's so hard to not say somethings sometimes!!

Dana said...

Sigh. I share in this struggle.

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