I used to be of the cloth that didn't appreciate the wonderful world of country.
My voice teacher Mr. Peebles hated country, and so therefore so did I.
And then sometime around my Sophomore year in High School my Allie Dawl, introduced me to this wonderful phenom.
She said that you have to listen to country music in the Fall and Winter months and then it would all make sense.
I had my doubts, but I knew better than to question that beautiful red head so I gave it a go.
A light bulb went on.
My ears were opened, and I thought I will never be the same.
Since that time, long..long.. long ago I have loved Country music,
but I still really only listen to it in the Fall. As soon as Thanksgiving is over I switch to Christmas music until January 1st.
You might think it's strange to listen to certain genre's of music during certain times, but I'm telling ya
there is something about when the air gets cool, the leaves change into bright yellow and you hear songs like this one.
I heard this song on the radio yesterday and I'm not even gonna lie,
I started crying.
I thought about what a wonderful day that will be when I can sit and have a beer, or glass of wine with the Lover of My Soul.
And then I thought about how grateful I am that I get to do that on a regular basis.
I mean usually it's a good cup of Joe in the mornings and my Bible that I sit down with, but I feel his presence. The deposit, the promise, his HS, that he left until his return is there with me everyday... hanging out drinking beer, or wine, or coffee, or bubbly water, or.....
Okay moving on.
Country music is best listened to in the Fall because the songs tell stories.
And there is no better time to hear a story than when you are all warm and cozy, the sun is shining, the summer and all it's wonderful memories are over and it's time to get nostalgic.
There is no better music for nostalgia.
At least, that's what Allie Dawl told me and she's a smart young whipper snapper my Allie Dawl.
I've been listening to her for years, and she's never steered me wrong yet.
If you haven't ever been a country music fan, give it a go this Fall and report back here.
I'm one who listens to country all year round--I love the stories the songs tell. I have a little problem with listening to it on the radio while driving though because if I cry too much I can't see the road!
I don't like country too much. But it has grown on me the older I've gotten. I will have to try it out this fall.=)
It's funny how things like that can change when we get older. You really should Bernadette. You won't be disappointed.
i love it! started loving it later in life but if im alone in my car (my kids dont appreciate it) then its on at a fairly alarming volume. :)
I'm one who listens to country all year round--I love the stories the songs tell. I have a little problem with listening to it on the radio while driving though because if I cry too much I can't see the road!
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