Friday, October 26, 2012

Flashback Friday

Here it is almost Saturday and I am just now sitting down to write this Flashback Friday link up. That should give you a good indication of the week I have had. And also I would like to invoke the right of;  "hey better late than never" right?
At least I hope that's what you all will say as you link up your older posts and party hardy amongst yourselves ;)
This week the Fab 4 and I  wanted to watch some old Leave It To Beaver episodes on Netflix and I gotta say those are some good times.
After every episode I'm left feeling all warm and fuzzy.
And now for some "fun facts for ya"(Mall Cop fans your welcome).
Did you know that Leave it To Beaver is one of the first television series that was written from a child's perspective? Before My Three Sons or Lassie, or even Dennis the Menace.
The show debuted on October 4, 1957. Speaking of October 4th, that  is my son Solomon's birthday which brings me to what our house has been up to.
Solomon is running for school president. I am going to help him write a speech this weekend to be ready for Monday and I'm a little nervous about that.
No, not really. But I did say that he should just promise to give them all Chocolate Chip cookies every Friday and an extra recess on Monday and then he would be a shoe in ;)
Ya know, nothing like making promises you can't keep. 
I'm really proud of him for trying and in my attempts to give him the real, raw deal of politics I told him what an awesome responsibility it would be to represent his whole school.
I told him that he would need to set a good example in his speech, conduct, and grades.
He didn't think it would be too hard, until one of the girls who is best friends with the girl who is running against him  for President told him that he won't get as many recesses because he will have to be inside for meetings all the time.

I thought that was gonna be all she wrote for his political career, but he's moving forward, and I'm excited for him.
And with that... Let's Flashback shall we
It's time for what I like to call a little FBF- if you are new here this is a link up for blogs that are a year or older. You find an old post that you want others to read or re-read and link it up. Then you read each others and I hope comment and get to know your fellow FBF'ers.
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Stone Cottage Adventures said...

Good morning, Noel! My link worked fine this week. 'Wonder what happened last time? EESH! Thank you for hosting this fun FLASH BACK party! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

No(dot dot)el said...

Marci- I'm so glad it worked this time. I really enjoyed reading your story of you and your sister and those chics... so super cute. Or as you say, "so dern cute"!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny that you've been on a classic TV kick too!! Last week I had the pleasure of introducing my 10-year-old to The Brady Bunch, Happy Days AND Little House On The Prairie. I thought she would hate them, as I hated watching what my mom considered classic TV as a kid, but she loved it!

And hey, good luck to Solomon! I think it's pretty stinkin' cool that he even wants to run. I hope he wins!

No(dot dot)el said...

Sarah Kate- I love all of those shows so much, and I can hardly believe that I haven't introduced my kiddos to Happy Days. I will have to remedy that !

vintage grey said...

Such a great show! Whatever happened to shows like these!! So fun! Thanks for sharing! xo Heather

No(dot dot)el said...

@Heather- I know they were such GOOD shows. I really miss the old days of TV. Now it seems everything is about vampires and witches ;) that's a tad bit dramatic but ya know!!

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