Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why ?

My dogs attacked a blue feather duster today, and on days gone by; a hot tub cover, blankets in every room, shoes, toys(which I don't mind so much cause one less thing to pick up)couches, furniture, pacifiers, bottles, baskets, rugs, cups, bowls, countless dog toys, boxes, lunch boxes, bags, garbages, trash in every area, and I know there is more I just can't think of it right now.

So why do I still have these 2 terrible beasts of burden? Why after I said no more and meant no more? Why after being knocked down and bruised up and beaten by these mangy mutts?

**I don't have an answer for that other than I AM CERTIFIABLEY CRAZY!!! I used to work at the psych and detox hospital in Carson City and I am begining to think I should give my friends a call.


Jen in Budapest said...

Well, you're not crazy, just hopelessly hopeful that somehow that cute face staring at you will not injure your way of life. Not gonna happen Noel. Come out of denial. Not gonna happen

laura said...

let's see... every few days or so, I come home and the dogs have broken out of the kitchen (where we keep them when we are gone), have gotten into the garbage, spread it throughout the entire house, and on really special days, I have a big steaming pile waiting for me right in front of my bedroom door. I am not a dog fan, the above reason explains why. I have been dealing with this for almost 10 years, and I think that is the exact reason I am not a dog fan. I also think that they are well aware of my despise, hence the steaming pile in front of my bedroom door.
We'll see how much of a lover you are after a few years of this fun!
You do seem like a bigger softie than I am, so I may be wrong.

No(dot dot)el said...

jen- well i knew you were gonna say that.
laura- so i am not alone it this insanity. i am a big softie because this is the second set of four legged children that mo and i have managed and after the first set i said i was done. what happened?

Erica said...

Noel- I was just laughing reading down your list of torn up stuff. my advice. don't go to the SPCA even to look :).
Having said that, your two dogs are blessed to be part of such a great family. you have more patience then I. Our dog at 11 years is very mellow and listens but I still find my-self vowing not to get another dog as I pick up her numerous droppings throughout the yard and I loose my patience when she keeps nudging me for more attention. I'm sad :( and could take a lesson from your sympathy towards pets

Jeni said...

Cats rule and dogs drool!

Ha ha ha!

digapigmy said...

i was here -- and i love having no pets (other than the turtle)

No(dot dot)el said...

erica- you are so right i can NEVER go to the Humane Society again. EVER!!! droppings aren't so bad once the kids get older :) something to look forward to. i am so evil.

No(dot dot)el said...

jeni- i am no longer a cat loather. after hunter i have now been won over to that dark side as well which could be really dangerous.
brent- turtles stink!! or so i have heard and they carry diseases, also something i have heard. still, you are a smart man.

digapigmy said...

how can an animal the size of a turtle possibly produce a smell stronger than an animal the size of a dog (or a cat - stinkiest animals ever)? not possible. as far as diseases, my kids carry more diseases than maria's turtle. though i wouldn't necessarily recommend kids to just anyone either.

No(dot dot)el said...

true all valid points brent, i am just trying to make myself better for not getting a turtle instead of 2 idiot dogs.

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