Monday, January 07, 2008

A Book Review

The Book , A Generous Orthodoxy, by Brian D. McLaren was a very interesting, easy to read book. In this book, Brian talks about all the different denominations in Christianity in such a way that really makes you think about each of these ways to follow Christ,in a whole new light. He has a positive approach with each one and really gives a bit of a history lesson about them all. I didn't know this at the time but he has written quite a few other books and I have already started to read another one of his publishing's, The Secret Message of Jesus(for sure to be in a future book review blog) but for now I will share some favorite quotes from Generous Orthodoxy;
"Nobody is on a journey anymore, everybody is stuck in their high or low status quo." In this quote he talks about how in all these different denominations no one asks why we do what we do they just remain stuck in the status quo. This really rung home for me because I am at a point of asking ALOT of questions. Not about Jesus, but for sure about this thing we call church.
"When Jesus refers to himself as "the son of Man" it would be like saying, the essential human, the ultimate embodiment of humanity. In this way "son of God" would mean embodying God, or carrying the essence of God." The way he phrased these sayings that Jesus said often really made me think about how complex the God we serve is. Fully human and fully God is a pretty big thing to wrap my brain around.
"Has He become(I shudder to ask this) less our Lord and more our Mascot?"
This quote , whew- really hurts but is Oh so true in the way we throw Jesus name around with so much that we do in His name when in all reality it's not really what He's about at all.
There were several more interesting things that I kept my notebook around for the whole time while reading this book because I wanted to come back to much of what he said.
I also needed to take notes on how many other book references he made. Some on his list that I was able to recently purchase, (thanks to some amazing friends who know me OH SO WELL and got me book gift cards for my b-day, Thank you again)are; Messy Spirituality by Mike Yaconelli, What's so Amazing about Grace , The Jesus I never knew both by Philip Yancey, and Sex, Economy,Freedom, and Community by Wendell Berg.


laura said...

ooh sounds good. I really tried to get into "blink" but I just couldn't, so I will be returning it soon. Thanks for your reviews because I am always looking for what books to line up next!

No(dot dot)el said...

laura- it was really good. no worries sometimes ya just need something different to read at different times. that one was hard for me too at first, funny that rachel finished it right away. glad i could be of service with my book reviews. they are really rather silly of me, but i have always dreamed that i could have a job where i review something, like a food critic or a movie critic. silly me:)

laura said...

You're hired. I can't pay you, but you can be my personal book reviewer.

Erica said...

Hey Noel,
Good blog! I talked to a person today who gets their groceries from an online service and has it delivered to their house. Made me think of you. The company unfortunately is back east, or maybe that's good for you ;)

Jeni said...

Noooooo!!! Not a book review! He he he. I'm just thinking that I don't need to buy anymore books. I just received a delivery of 11 books today that I purchased from the clearance section on! Plus I got three books for Christmas that I still need to read and I have a book that I need to buy on Saturday so that my mom and I can both read it. AHHHH! I don't think I can add any more books to my list right now.

But I enjoy reading your review anyway. I will store this away for later...

No(dot dot)el said...

laura it's a deal!
erica, i still think my business idea would work. maybe someday i will just go for it.
jeni- i am feeling pretty much the same way. i just found another great book, and i do mean great book the other day.
it is from a gal who started the sweet potato queens club and she writes all these funny books on love, marriage and her recent one the one that caught my eye at the book store was on raising kids. that will be another one of the future reviews but for now my plate is full like you. i actually think i am od-ing in a sense on all these books. could that be hazordous to my health?

Jeni said...

It's only hazardous to your health if the books fall on you. Or if you get so wrapped up in them that you stop eating. Or if you stay up all night reading. Not that I would know anything about that. It's not like I've ever read for 15 hours straight just so that I could finish a book.

No(dot dot)el said...

hee hee hee, jeni somehow i don't believe you on that last one. wow. 15 hours is a long time, i think the most time spent on a book for me would be around 5 or so, with breaks in between. 15 hours, now that's commitment right there!!!

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