Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

"Tomorrow is a new day, fresh with no mistakes in it" This is one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies of all times, Anne of Green Gables. If you are a female and have not watched this or the other two movies in this series you are missing out, (I need to buy this movie set on DVD so I can OD on it) and not just missing out, but I would go so far as to say that you are doing a diservice to yourself. But I didn't come to blog about that , I came to blog about why I love that quote so much. It reminds me of why so many take to the age old tradition of setting New Year's Resolutions. Everyone loves a fresh start. I am not one who usually makes resolutions at the start of the new year because I believe any day can be a new day. Wiping the slate clean from past mistakes, failures, pain, or other negatives is a very helpful way of life because we all screw up from time to time(some more than others, me ,which is why i don't wait til the new year) and it is nice to know that tomorrow is a new day.
So this new year I find myself making some resolutions that really, in all reality ,have been a long time coming I am just choosing this time in my life to start fresh. Here are just a few of the new habits I hope to begin making in 2008;

-Eat Breakfast- I have heard my whole life how important this meal is and frankly, I have just had a hard time convincing my stomach that this is true. I usually gag down anything else ,(besides coffee OF COURSE) that comes before 11 a.m. but, I heard on some show(yes, prolly Oprah) that if you don't eat breakfast it is one sure fire way to tip the scales in the wrong direction. Don't need any of that going on , so I am eating breakfast.

-Drink more water- Again this is something that I know is just better for you but I really don't like water in general as a drink. It has never been my drink of choice, but alas I am trying to change this because I know it is better for me. I saw a movie where they had the drinking fountains in the future spitting out gatorade instead of water and I was thinking , yea for the future but I know that really that would be bad as it was in this movie, which was really funny btw. Wish I could remember the name of it.

-Stop being a People Pleaser- I don't know if I come by this genetically or what but Man ALIVE is this ever a hard habit to break! Baby Jesus has been working on this one for a while now and this new year I am really gonna pay attention to how often I am saying yes when I really don't want to. Now, I don't think that the pleasing of all people is bad but the pleasing that comes from guilt or manipulation , not so good.

These are just a few and of course we all know it takes 28 days straight to start a new habit :) so I have to say the first 10 have gone pretty well, yeah me.
Anyone else like to make new year's resolutions? When I asked the youth that question last night I was surprised to find a very non-resolution making group.


laura said...

Let's just say I need to do all 3 of the things that you listed. But, God has been throwing so many things my way that I need to work on, I am just taking it daily. I have some future blogs coming that will address these "things". Good for you though, I think it is great to set goals and follow them through, and you are doing great! I am currently resolving things on a daily basis, as they are thrown at me. Eventually, I would also like to address the health/diet/excersize part of my life.

scoeyd said...

For me, a resolution has to be all about taking action, not merely speaking words - too easily, resolutions can seem like the air surrounding a political rally - full of words, lots of stinkiness, but without much hope or expectation of real follow through.

Re: people pleasing - to me, the only way to not live the people pleasing life is to prioritize - identity, responsibilities, & relationships... It starts with the primary circle - me & God, me & spouse, & moves out from there...

TimmyMac said...

Several years ago I made a New Year's resolution to never again make New Year's resolution . . . and it's been the ONLY New Year's resolution I've managed to honor . . .

Jeni said...

I don't make New Year's Resolutions. I make life resolutions as they come up. Last March I finally paid off my credit cards. In August, I cut off an unhealthy relationship. Almost three years ago, I stopped shopping at Walmart. One time I gave up watching chick flicks for a year and a half because of how they made me feel. None of these things were New Year's Resolutions--they were all life resolutions that came apparent and so them I started them. The current life resolutions are to get my apartment organized (and I don't know if it's going to happen) and to start running again (we'll see how that works out on Monday when my 2 months is up...)

Erica said...

I think resolutions or goals you want may look different depending on what stage of life your in. Like with my small toddler who is running everywhere all the time, my goal is to not yell and try to enjoy my time with her. The people pleaser thing is tough. Cause it's something I fall back into without even thinking

digapigmy said...

the movie was possibly idiocracy. i only watched once and was disappointed that it wasn't as funny as office space, but i think that that's where the gatorade fountains are from

No(dot dot)el said...

laura- it is a very good way to live , one day at a time. especially when you are on overload. i hear ya, as far as having too many to count things to work on. my list here really should be about 10 more but they weren't ones i wanted to share in a blog.
louie- i agree, why say anything if you are not going to follow thru with it. why even waste the energy thinking about it let alone talking about it if you are not going to do something about it. although, we all like to talk -action is where it is at.
knowing who you are in the whole people pleasing dept, because it is hard to say no when you know the reactions from other will hurt but if you know you are loved and appreciated by those who matter most it makes it easier.
tim- yours is a very common response to this whole new year's resolution thing. i understand why, completely.
jeni- i think that's awesome that you make life resolutions. i think i do that too but sometimes i can get on board with the whole new year/ new you idea as well. whoo hoo that you get to start with the running again on monday....jeni and running somehow just reminded me of forest gump.
erica- i totally agree, have to make those changes in small doses and when you can. you are in a very busy season right now, no time to think of changing you when you are changing diapers!!!
brent- you could be right, i still can't remember. mo thinks you are right. i just remember thinking it was a bit like dumb and dumber and you had to be in that kind of stupid silly mood to enjoy it. i laughed, i was in that mood i guess.

TimmyMac said...

Isn't blogging getting fun again? Hey, I love your term Emo Blogger and want to hear more!

laura said...

It is more fun, because there are some cool new people I know that are blogging now.

No(dot dot)el said...

tim- thanks i was hoping somebody could appreciate that term, and yes it is gettin some much needed fun.
laura- for surwa because of YOU my darlin!!

laura said...

sorry, I know that questions wasn't for me :) Couldn't help myself.

Jen in Budapest said...

Ah, sis...I''m proud of you!! You will fulfill all of your resolutions. Keep suckin' down the water and eat that breakfast....Walk your dogs too. THEY need it. (ha ha...)

OK, so I changed the you approve of the new message? Check it out. Love you and would be counting the days till your arrival in Budapest but you haven't booked your ticket yet, and thus, I wait, not with baited or held breath, but I wait...the story of my life. Jen

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