Thursday, February 15, 2007

My first essay of this semester

I turned in my first essay of the semester tonight and I think I started to get a panic attack in class. Not really, but I was a little nervous to turn this one in. My teacher is really great and I think I will do fine but something about writing is like baring a little piece of your soul out there for the world to see. I shouldn't be so nervous because I do that everyday or almost everyday here on my blogspot but this is different.
Our first topic to write about was a day that changed your life forever and what you learned from it. Can anyone guess what I might have written about? Prizes will be given to the winners :)
Now I am going to go listen to some Billie Holiday and relax, pat myself on the back and relax some more.


Jeni said...

I would have to guess the day you met Moses

TimmyMac said...

The birth of your first born?

jami said...

jesus.. ok what's my prize?? =o)
i know what you mean. when i turned in my papers for class i always got an anxious feeling in my gut. i like people to read my writings, but at the same time i get nervous of what they might think or respond with. but it's all good. i am sure you did great!

shontell said...

The day you got to stop stalking Mo and start dating him instead.

No(dot dot)el said...

So the winner is JENI!! It was the day I first layed eyes on my handsome hubby when I was only a sophmore in bible study and how that one day changed the course of my life.
So Jeni when can I give you your prize?

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