Friday, January 06, 2006

I love my life teacher

Jesus requires that we take of Him and let Him teach us. He asks that we let Him be our teacher. There are alot of people in life who want to take that role as teacher in our lives but Jesus asks for it and not because He's coming from a place of pride like, I know it all(even though He does) but because He says "I'm a humble and gentle teacher" He asks to be our teacher not for His own benefit like these mega-millionares who have all the answers for your life's problems but it comes in the form of a book they wrote, or a pill they perscribe, or just yet another counseling session. NO, He asks to be our teacher for our own benefit that we might "find rest for our souls"
He says that if you LET Him be your life teacher that you "WILL find rest"
I know that in my own life lessons when Jesus became my teacher, He has always come to me in gentleness and humility. None of that , "I told you so" or "See, why didn't you just listen to me" but rather " I think this might help Noel" or "How can I help you Noel to have this really turn out for the best" He always reminds me " I am here, to walk with you through this hurt, pain, loss, or confusion , You are not alone, I have felt that too"
I love my Life Teacher so much. My Jesus knows just how to teach me the things that I need to learn so that my life can be better, fuller, richer with hope, peace, and true joy. I love the way He teaches me. His yoke fits perfectly to me. It is custom-designed to fit !! His burdens are oh so light because they are my own given back to Him and turned into blessings.
Matthew 11:28-30 " Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you . Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle and you will find rest for your souls" For my yoke fits perfectly and the burden I give you is light."

1 comment:

TimmyMac said...

I love that about Jesus. My feelings of security increase in proportion to my ability to grasp his love.

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