It is good for me to remember (and maybe for you too) when times are tough that the Creator is bigger, so much bigger than the trials, economy, health situations, wars, earthquakes, and all that is in this world before me right now. In reading My Utmost for His Highest (still my favorite book to remind me everyday of important things) good ol Oswald had this to say;
“Nature to a saint is sacramental. If we are children of God, we have
a tremendous treasure in Nature. In every wind that blows, in every
night and day of the year, in every sign of the sky, in every
blossoming and in every withering of the earth, there is a real
coming of God to us if we will simply use our starved imagination to
realize it.” Oswald Chambers
It is important for me to step outside and get rejuvenated by creation and the Creator. Sometimes my imagination does get starved. It is hungry for something more.
Isaiah 40:26
“Lift up your eyes on high and see! Who has created these? He who calls them by name; through the greatness of His might and because He is strong in power, not one is missing or lacks anything.”
I am beyond grateful that greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world. I am thankful that someone knows my name. Knows my strengths and weaknesses. Knows my needs. He knows my needs and in that I rest secured.
I don't know where you are at in life but if you are in need of a boost don't forget to look around next time you step outside. Although it is winter right now and all the colors of summer are a thing of the past maybe if you look close enough there might be the signs of life like a bud on a tree, or a little sprouting of the lilies that are to come. Take a moment and remember times are tough, but God is bigger. Remember that although nature might lie dormant right now this too shall pass.
There will be life again. And remember like the rising of the sun that you count on everyday, you can count on the FACT that the Creator loves to give life to what once was dead. Speak to the dry bones in your life. Speak to the death that surrounds you and then sit back and watch as He who is faithful turns death to life. Winter to Spring. Sorrow into laughter.
This was me speaking to my dry bones.
Only your best blog ever. LOVE the pics. Did you take all of those? S.J.W. must really be working! Maybe I need to get me some o dat! LOVE YOU!
Well Hello Dawl. Thanks for the props on my blog. Did you know Joe and Jentry have a blog now too? On the side on my blog page it's under Days. Pretty cute pics of the girls and stuff you should check it out.
Yep, I took all the pics. It's pretty easy to get great pics when you live in a place that provides so much beauty ya know :) Yes well, SJW dunno. Jury is still out on that one. I will have to get back to ya on that.
Great chatting with you the other day. Thanks for always tracking me down. LOVE YOU TOO!! <3
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