Sunday, July 26, 2009

Brodey the Bishop and the Process of getting Published

I never imagined a year ago when I sat down at my computer to finally create a children's story that I would be here. I have been accepted by a publishing company, but now I am considering getting an agent and going with a bigger, better publishing company.
After reading a 10 page contract and having no idea what I was really getting into I have been reconsidering my first choice for a publisher for a lot of reasons.
I am still conversing with them about the book but I have also sent out queries to two separate agents that I am excited to hear back from. These agents in the world of children's books are HUGE!! So, if they like my pitch and my books then I am going to take the leap of faith and hope for something better for this book.


Tmoneyreno said...

good luck, I really hope this goes really well for you.

TimmyMac said...

Good for you Noel . . . Never settle for second best . . .

No(dot dot)el said...

thanks friends.

Erica said...

How exciting! Hope it all works far so good :)

Barefoot Hippie Girl said...

Awesome! I hope it all works out!

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