Friday, November 16, 2007


defintion-loving kindness (love without attachment, non-exclusive love) towards all human beings.
If I were to choose something out of the Bible that I have read over and over again but have completely overlooked it would be these two words, Loving-kindness.
How often have I read in the scriptures about God and His loving kindness, or that I should praise Him for His loving kindness? It is a word group that gets overlooked because I think when I would read it I would not slow down to think , What does that really mean? Why is it that those two words grouped together are used more often to describe the God I serve than any other and still I have never slowed down enough to notice.This morning was different. I slowed down and read those words as if I was reading them for the first time and I thought, That is my God's way, His M.O. if you will. If I were to describe God given any 2 words in dictionary would I choose those 2 words? Would you?
After looking those 2 words up on every internet access dictionary that I could find I believe I would choose those words to describe the God that I serve. He is so loving and so kind in His approach of loving me. He doesn't stop showing me love when I walk away and choose to focus my attention elsewhere. He waits. Patiently and expectantly for me to return and then He doesn't hold over my head the mistakes I have made along the way.
His way is loving and kind- loving kindness is what I would say I worship most about Him because this way about Him is the most beautiful way I have ever known.
"The Lord takes pleasure in those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him, in those who Hope in His mercy and loving-kindness" Psalm 147:11
I am glad that His loving-kindness is something I can put my hopes in because I know that He never changes so neither will His M.O.(Mode of Operation)
Now what I am left with wondering is what is my M.O.??


Erica said...

Thanks for writing, Noel. I never have pondered before what loving-kindness is. To me it has always been a good adjective. You provoke good and deep thought, my friend :)

No(dot dot)el said...

me either erica- funny how certain things stick out to you at different times. love that about God's words. glad i could get ya thinking.

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