Every year for the past almost 10 years, (minus the 4 years we were in Washington in an 800 sq ft cabin) my family and I have been hosting what we like to call a pie party.
I can't take credit for this AMAZING idea because that would be just wrong to my East Coast relatives who started it way back when, but I will say the minute I heard about a Pie Party I was all over it like Meringue on Lemon Pie.
I usually have it the second Saturday in November because to me it's a way to have Thanksgiving (minus the Turkey) with ALL my friends and family.
It's also a way for me to get my favorite dessert!!
When I was preparing the prizes this year I got SO excited for this party I almost did a happy Pie Party dance. I'm pretty sure it would have looked a bit like Elaine on Seinfeld so I reigned in my excitement and got to putting together those prizes you see up there.
We give out prizes to 3 categories;
Best in Savory
Best in Show
UGLY but it Tastes Damn Good
While putting together prize baskets, I thought about all the families that would come with their delectable pies and my heart overflowed with gratitude for many reasons. The first reason that my heart was exploding with joy, was that I am so grateful to be back here in Nevada. That sentence up there... well it's one that even as I type it I still can't believe I'm saying it. It's taken me quite a long journey to get HERE, and I don't me here as in Nevada here, I mean HERE as in this place of contentment that has come over my heart regarding where ever HERE happens to be.
I have to say that there have been countless tears shed and plenty of tantrums had, over not having that kind of an attitude. I'm happy to report though, that Jesus has done a work in this bratty girls heart, and it's a good work. A work I know I couldn't have done on my own.
He has made me realize that it's not about the place, it's about the people.
I now know that even if he called me to live in Texas(please don't dear Lord baby Jesus) I think I could manage to keep this grateful, contentment going.
As long as there was Pie in Texas!
Psh... of course there would be PIE in Texas!!
Those Texans have got the right idea when it comes to pie.
I have heard they make a pie for just about every occasion... so yea I think I could manage, but for now I'm staying put with a happy heart right here in good ole Nev a duh!!
I do so apologize to leave you with mouths watering ...let me make it up to you with this quote that I feel fits just perfect with this here Pie Party blog and truly is a recipe for happiness.
"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with
Denis Waitley