Thursday, October 11, 2007

Just a question?

This morning while burping my niece Savanah, I had this thought...Why do we burp babies the way that we do? Why do we pat them on the back until they burp? What does patting them on the back actually do? I have done this motion for countless years without even a thought as to why I am doing it ,until now. Why do we burps babies the way that we do?
Makes me wonder how many other things I do in my life without asking why?


shontell said...

ahaaa. When I had Isabelle I went into rebellion because no one could explain why we smack them to get them to burp, which usually causes spewage. I never did pat any of them. I just sat them up and rubbed their backs. Incidentally, my children were always MAN burpers!

No(dot dot)el said...

hmmm...very interesting. well, i wonder why we do this but i don't stop doing this because over the years i have come to love this motion of gently patting a babys back, something that i miss so much when i don't have baby. i suppose i could try this motion on moses but i dunno, don't think it would have the same affect.

TimmyMac said...

I don't know either, but that's how Sue always burps me . . .

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