Monday, January 29, 2018

Prayer AKA Help!!

"No wonder we are happy in the Lord!"
For we are trusting him. We trust his holy name. 
Yes, the Lord, let your constant love surround us, for our hopes are in you alone."
Psalm 33:21-22

Recently, I have had a few major, as well as a lot of minor prayers answered that have reminded me once again how good God is and how worthy HE is of my trust. 
I want to share these stories, for no other reason than to hopefully encourage someone to never stop praying, or maybe to start.
If you have forgotten how to pray or have never prayed in your life it's as simple as asking for help, only you are asking the one who created you, and has been waiting..waiting..waiting for the invitation to jump in and help. 
You know that old saying, "Where there is a will, there is a way!" ? 
Well, recently I was thinking about how God's will for us is always for good. 
Sometimes we mistake our will for what is ultimately good for us, and so when those prayers don't get answered we don't understand God, and therefore stop trusting to ask him for help.
I have done this more times than I care to mention, and it's just recently that I've realized like Brittiany Spears... Oops I've done it Again!
I share all of this as a precursor to my stories of answered prayers because, I don't want you to think that I'm some spiritual Guru who always sees her prayers answered. 
There is NOT one human on this planet currently, who has got the direct line to the Father and always gets what they pray for. 
There was ONE though some 2000 years ago that did... but that's a topic for another day.
I woke up this morning anxious.
Why, you ask?
I had a dentist appointment.
I have always hated going to the dentist, therefore my mouth is ... well not the ideal candidate for a Colgate commercial. 
Recently, I have had a dental issue that I knew I needed to be taken care of, but I didn't have the money to properly take care of it. The work that was going to be done would be upwards of 2500 dollars... and well this momma of 4 right after Christmas and car troubles just didnt have it in budget. But, the pain worsened right after Christmas to the point where I could no longer procrastinate or pro long getting it fixed. The anxiety that built up over this time was more about money issues though, and not even the treatment. 
 In faith and obedience to my mom and sisters persisted prompt,  I set up a dental appointment, and thought I'd just see what the dentist suggested to do about this tooth and my money issues.

Before I left for the dentist appointment I was starting to worry about all the details again, so I asked my daughter Chloe to pray for me.
Sometimes I forget to ask for prayer from those that love me, and would want to pray for me, again a blog topic for another day, but I'm so glad I was prompted to ask her on this day.
She did pray, and little did she know but her prayers were about to be answered. 
After my dentist Dr. Pastrell (blatant shout out) took a look about in my mouth he jokingly said, "Well ya got any kids to sell?" 
To which of course I said; "There might be One.... no no no of course not, but I am able bodied and could work for this dental work you need to do here, I'd do anything to be out of this pain, I'd even scrub your toilets!"
Turns out he was looking for someone to clean his office, and I was someone willing to work for my dental work that needs to be done.

Isn't that the most beautiful trade and answer to prayer you have heard in a while?

I tell you what, I was blown away by not only my boldness to offer working for his services, but also his response. 
Btw, Dr. Pastrell is a praying man so I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt this was divine. 
Before this morning for several months now my car has been making funny noises that I didn't know where they were coming from. My Giant thought it might be our transmission going out which made my heart drop into my stomach because I realize how costly that would be on this car.
The sound got worse, and was at the point where I was staying home and not doing things because I didn't want to drive my newer 2011 Toyota 4 Runner.
This is our only family vehicle though, and also was/is an answer to prayers a few years back, so there was faith in my heart that whatever was wrong with it would and could be fixed.
However, I was anxious about it for many months and didn't trust completely that my prayers were being heard. 
So, with the sound getting worse I was worried to take it far, but my nieces bday party was set for the first weekend in January and I wasn't about to miss it, because my new niece Nevaeh was to be there as well. 
The whole family headed to Carson for my niece Sophia's bday party, and I prayed with an anxious heart all the way down. Not realizing that my prayers weren't in faith... but all the same they were heard.
My brother Greg generously asked to take the car for a drive to see what was up.
He found the problem and it wasn't at all what we suspected and my genius GIANT amazing man was able to fix it for all under 150 bucks.

"I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him." The Lord is good to 
those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;
it is good to wait for the salvation of the Lord."
Lamentations 3:24-26

I share these stories of answered prayers, like I said to encourage you to ask for Help from your creator. 
Sometimes we can feel as small and insignificant as the above picture of that tiny lizard in my son Solomon's hands.
Oh beloved reader, if you only knew how the creator of our souls WAITS for the moment for you to ask for help, we all wouldn't hesitate to just shout it out. 

I'm learning to trust again.
I don't know why I ever stop.
For some strange reason I forget that the lover of my Soul is just waiting... waiting... waiting to help me.
So here I sit once again in wonder and awe of his faithfulness to me even though I don't deserve it.
Not every prayer of mine is answered, but when these two were it reminded me once again of how Good my God is and how thankful I am for his constant love and faithfulness. 
Prayer is powerful.
It might not feel like it is, but truly I have seen with my own eyes, time and time again how prayer spoken out or unspoken even gets answered. 

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