It smelled so sweet when I walked out my front door this morning.
The smell almost knocked me over, and again I was hit with another surge of gratitude for what a safe haven this place has become to me.
I keep having these moments where I cry tears of joy.
It reminds me of when my children were babies and I would look at something on them like the dimples in their fingers, or their chubby little leg, or their fuzzy head of hair and my eyes would well up with tears of joy. I was thankful for their health and the miracle that was their brand new life. That's what I am talking about that keeps happening here. That's what I mean by a surge of gratitude. Do you ever get those surges?
Around every corner I am pleasantly surprised with a new flower, plant, or explosion of color, and I am thankful for the new life.
It has been a HARD winter. Probably one of the hardest I have ever experienced. Of course I know it was hard because of our big move, but more than that there was so much that happened this winter in my soul. I had a kind of a reckoning in a way. I realized some things in my life that I had let die, or I had buried and those things needed to be brought back to life. NO one could do that but the Creator of my soul. At the same time, there were some things, habits in my life that I realized needed to die.
I went around taking pictures of all the new life that is exploding all around me. As I was leisurely walking around I prayed some quiet prayers to my Creator and went on my merry way.
Then, in reading Psalm 23 today (twice) once in my daily readings, and again in a journal that a good friend gave me, and then with Green is The Now- by Chris Heifner, coming on my IPOD while I was driving, well needless to say I got the message. HE has led me beside quiet waters. HE is restoring my soul here. I Shall NOT and am NOT in want of anything more than this.
This is Priya. My name shows up as Limes; that's how I roll.
Spring is here. Spring is good. Spring is life and light and warmth in the world.
I'm glad spring is here for you and for the rest of us.
Priya- I totally had a LOL moment with your "that's how i roll" comment. Girl you are funny, I can't wait for our dinner date.
Yes, yes, and yes about Spring. I have to say the Spring here in Washington is amazing! This state sure does know how to do Spring!!
Yeah! So glad you love it. What you are experiencing is what I call HAPPINESS, dang it! I remember happiness like an old dear friend. Happiness and I had to part ways for a time, but there is also something to be said for contentment, which I have worked hard for, and for gratitude, which you already mentioned. Gratitude is easy when it is coupled w/ happiness, but harder to come by when coupled w/ contenment. However, I too fell asleep last night through tears of gratitude as I snuggled my darling Jack who lay next to me with his new little haircut, his chubby hands in mind, and his healthy body resting peacefully. HE IS SO CUTE!
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