Sunday, December 17, 2017

43 Life Lessons in 43 years

1. Find your anchor.
2. Live your life, no one else can be YOU, and we need YOU.
3. Love truly does conquer all.
4. Don't wait to say what you know to be true.
5. Make your own fashion statement.
6. Smile and meet strangers who soon become friends.
7. Tell your parents you love and appreciate them.
8. Eat dessert for breakfast.
9. Dishes and laundry be damed. 
10. Be a life long learner. 
11. You get more with honey than you do with vinegar. 
12. Find balance in all things. 
13. Love doesn't exist until you love something into existence.
14. Children truly make life worth living. 
15. Be an animal lover, it's worth the investment. 
16. Find beauty in the quiet, simple moments. 
17. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. 
18. Don't tell people what you believe in, show them. 
19. Get off your PHONE !!
20. You are not your feelings. 
21. You are not your paycheck.
22. Stop to smell, listen, and see. 
23. Ask Questions.
24. Own your shit and stay in your own shit lane.
25. Turn up the music.
26. Support those that support the little people, the underdogs in life.
27. Be someones biggest fan, and don't ever stop cheering them on.
28. You were made for community.
29. Don't be afraid of some Vitamin D.
30. What you worry about today won't matter when you're on your death bed.
31. Every breathe is a gift, so breathe deep.
32. Don't look to anyone else to find your happy.
33. Sing out loud and proud even off key because your voice is unlike any other.
34. Go outside and just look up and then listen.
35. In your weakest moments you will find your inner strength.
36. Don't wait for someone else's approval.
37. Bless those that hurt you and then move on, fuller, richer, stronger and with boundaries.
38. When waiting in line or traffic look around and know someone else is waiting behind you.
39. Invest in people not things. 
40. Grow older with the knowledge that every grey hair, wrinkle, ache and pain is a gift because you are alive. 
41. Don't be afraid to ask for what you need. We all have needs. 
42. Forward motion is key. 
43. It's just a number-AGE and wisdom are not the same thing. 

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