On any given lazy Saturday, I love to sit with a good cup of coffee and roll through all my favorite blogs. This is "blog rolling" or so I have deemed this silly Saturday morning luxury.
Over the years blogging has been such a sweet escape for me, and if I were to choose only one internet luxury
picture websites
I think I would choose blogs.
Recently one of my favorite sites slogoin vw's got removed, and I know it might seem silly but it really bums me out. See, I like to check in on my friends, family, favorite authors, favorite chefs through the venue of blogs.
I like to see pictures, read the stories, copy the recipes, steal the ideas from blogs.
I also love to blog myself. I have said it before and I say it again over the years this blog spot has become my own personal therapy sessions. Sorry for those of you who have had to weed through the more therapeutic sessions/blogs than others.
Well, despite losing one terrific blog( Tasha if you are reading this COME BACK COME BACK!!) I have now added a new blog site that will for sure be regular stop on my Saturday blog rolling trips : )
Here it is in case you are interested in a great new sight as well;
Happy Blog Rolling Friends!!
i do have an idea so there's a possibility of something new to come...
Well, where is that possible something new?
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