Is it just me or does Father's Day sometimes seem to get overlooked?
That is a rhetorical question that I would love to hear from you about beloved reader.
I'm not sure if it's because summer is in full swing, or just because in this world we live in there aren't as many of you out there that deserve a day to be recognized, (sad but true) but whatever the reason if you are a dad who SHOWS UP and has continued to SHOW UP since the day your kid/kids were born then I applaud you.
I see YOU!
Here are the dad's in my life that I have come to know, appreciate, and applaud.
I'll start with my baby's daddy ;()
When I first met Moses, and before we even were married, or had children of our own I knew he would be a really good dad.
I watched how he treated my youngest brother Jeremy who was only a little over 1 year old at the time.
He studied him, and observed some very interesting things that Im not sure anyone in our family had ever noticed before.
When he spoke to me about these observations he said them with love and laughter and not irritation or confusion.
I then watched how he reacted when my other brother Greg borrowed his truck without permission and ruined the brand new bed of the truck by taking it out off- road, and neglected the fact that their was a whole engine in the back of his truck.
He was frustrated, confounded, and livid...but he didn't overreact.
He simply went and got my young teenage brother Greg and had him fix the back of his truck.
He has always provided a way for our kids to make things right when they go wrong.
He was patient.
He was quiet.
And he was and still is a stellar example of what a good dad figure looks like.
After we got married and the conversation of having children came up I was astounded that HE wanted children so soon, and even believe it or don't BEFORE I did.
In most relationships that I know of it's the woman who begs to have kids early on, and not the other way around.
I'm still not sure to this day, why he was so adamant about wanting kids so young, but I have appreciated his love and devotion to them ever since.
Many times I chuckle about the fact that people think because I'm the one with the degree in Early Childhood Ed, and the one that was primarily home with them, that it made me the better parent.
But it's kind of an inside joke between Mo and I that we know who is the better parent.
For the most part of raising this big family of 4 kids I have been the one who had the honor of being home with them, but only because the jobs that I could find have paid me a lot less than what Moses could make.
(Ahem.. that's a conversation for another day)
There have however been a few times in our family life when I was the one who went to work, and Moses stayed home... and those were the times when it was quite evident that had the tables been turned in our life of raising kids, he in FACT would have made the better parent to stay at home with them.
I can't possibly put into words the appreciation and gratitude I have for this man I married 22 years ago. The way he parents our children makes me fall in love with him all over again.
There are not many men who can balance it all and be this amazing, but somehow he has found a way and we are all the better for it.
Where did this Blue-eyed boy/dad/ wonder come from .... but from another blue eyed boy wonder named
affectionately known now as, Papa Russ.
My father-in-law or in -love as I like to call it, cause
I'm not in-law... I'm in LOVE.
Raised as not only the oldest in the Scofield family, but THE ONLY BOY....Rusty you amaze me.
With three younger sisters is it any wonder he learned quick how to make his way in the garage fixing things?
My own brother Greg has adopted YOU as the mechanical genius of a dad that YOU are.
I know he found in YOU a kindred spirit being the only brother of 3 sisters.
*And btw, he tells me to call you more often! (LOL)
I give you a shout out today, because honestly my husband who is the father of my children wouldn't be here without you.
The two of you started out together as just a couple of dudes, and all these years later I still love to see you two dudes together.
I love hearing you talk of mechanical things that may as well be a foreign language to me.
Pop you have saved us thousands of dollars over the years because you taught your son how to fix things.
You taught him to "worry it out" and not give up.
You taught him what it looks like when your teen gets in trouble and you spend every last dime to get him out of it, and back on the straight and narrow.
I'm thankful for you and today I recognize you for SHOWING UP!
You didn't turn your back on your wayward son in his teen years, and today on this day I appreciate YOU!
And then there's my dad...
Oh How I LOVE this man!!
He has shown me what it looks like to be faithful and true to one woman and 5 kids for 47 years.
He worked every day to provide for said 5 kids and then some more kids along the way that weren't even his own.
There is not one other human on this planet that I admire more for being true to his family and loving them so well.
My dad was born into a family of ALL boys...