Sunday, February 02, 2020

A Study on Joy Part 1

I have been really enjoying my new word for 2020


In the years past I have looked up all the quotes associated with my new year word as a way of just trying to stay focused on the word, and stay in the mode of learning and growing in that word for the year ahead.

This year I have to admit that I've been praying a lot to get a good handle on the word JOY. 

I have always felt that Happiness and Joy are so similar it's hard to find the difference between them. 

There is indeed a difference beloved reader.

"Happiness depends on things that happen. 
Joyfulness is never touched by external conditions."
-Oswald Chambers-

That quote pretty much sums it up ... I read it and thought well... thank you Oswald no need to look any further.
But, I do want to ... HAMMER TIME... break it down for ya...

To me this means that I can have bad days when I don't feel happy at all, but JOY remains deep down in my soul as an anchor because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this bad day will pass, and JOY will come in the mourning.

"There may be pain in the night, but JOY comes in the morning"
Proverbs 30:5

We all have times of sorrow, loss, grief, and just plain ole everyday bad days, and that scripture doesn't diminish those moments, days, or even years. 
To me it speaks of hope for the future and an internal condition that can't be touched by the external.
External things are SO big sometimes that they can suck the life out of any happy hiker on this trail of life, but JOY still remains deep, deep down below the surface of things.

This is a place of knowing and believing that; 
"The best is yet to come!"

It's not just a catchy phrase on a bumper sticker... or a t-shirt you wear on a happy day... it's a lifestyle trait of one who KNOWS that this too shall pass, and there will be a new, and different day.
A day that is;
"Fresh ... with no mistakes in it."

More on this train of thought is in my noggin, but for now, that's all I've got.

I'd love to hear from you beloved reader on your thoughts regarding joy vs. happiness.

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