Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Being Covered

Recently, on one of my walks I found the above little flower growing out from the middle of those rocks. I stopped in my tracks and of course took a picture. Right away this scripture came to mind,Exodus 33:22
Please do take the time to read that scripture. Not just that one but the cross references. It's hard to put in words what it is like to be covered by God, but if I were to use a word picture it would be something like the picture above.

Hard, Big, Strong, Faithful, Un-moveable rocks surround a fragile beautiful pink flower. That flower is able to grow there despite the wind, the storms, falling tree branches, bugs, and any other forms of attack because it is in the "cleft" of those rocks.

It's like when I get all snuggled in bed, completely covered by my big puffy, warm quilt. It feels right in every way. It feels safe. It feels like the most peaceful spot on planet earth. Peaceful enough for me to drift off into a deep, deep sleep. My blanket works as a barrier to anything harmful that might try to come and get me in the middle of the night while I am sleeping.  It keeps all the Boogie Men away. And as I drift off to peaceful sleep, I feel protected.

That is what the love of God is like. He covers us. He covers our free-will mistakes. He is faithful when we are not. He is un-moveable when we can't seem to settle down and find a spot to grow. He is true when we lie to ourselves and to others.

It's like He says in every area of my life, "I've GOT This!"

He can be trusted.
He is secure.
He will not break.
Like a Rock that you can stand upon.

Recently, there have been some really big, scary boogie monsters come against my family, and some of my dearest friends. Normally, I would internalize these scary things and forget all about that blanket that covers me so well, but this time around God has been faithful to remind me.

"The Lord is righteous; he does no wrong. 
Morning by morning he dispenses his justice, and
every new day he does not fail."


Barefoot Hippie Girl said...

What a beautiful picture-both photo and picture of our relationship with our Eternal Rock. Thanks for sharing!

Heidi said...

Thanks for sharing this! God is in control but it is easy to forget. What an encouragement for me today :)

Anonymous said...

I really needed to read this today! Thank you so much for sharing.

Psalm 40:2
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.

shontell said...


Unknown said...

What an encouraging post...I needed this today. Thank you!!

Words of Wisdom from Izzy's Ma said...

Thank you for bring God's blessing to me (yet again!). I love you so much....

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